
My name is Iris Weissenböck and I am Austria’s first female calisthenics and street workout champion. I started calisthenics in 2017 after 13 years of gymnastics training. My past as a gymnast and my experience with strength training allowed me to develop a good calisthenics base.

WHAT DO I DO? I am working as a content creator for myself and brands and as a calisthenics coach. Nonetheless, I always found it important to get external input as well to keep educating myself. Thus, I am also coached by Sthenics, Europe’s most experienced and scientifically working skill coaches. A lot of my knowledge I got from them, while the rest comes from my education in a sports high school, working as a kids gymnastics coach, reading a bunch of scientific papers and coaching different types of calisthenics athletes since more than 2 years. Since I get so many questions about this sport I decided to offer my knowledge and experience to a broader community of people with the mission to help people live a better life, in a healthier body and with a healthier mind.

COMPETITIONS. I compete in Europe since there are not many national competitions so far in Austria for female athletes. These were the competitions I took part in:
– 1st place Austrian Championship 2022
– 4th place, light-/middleweight category WSWCF Freestyle World Championship in Riga 2022
– 2nd place Barheroes 2018 @FIBO
– 1st place Artcorps 2018 in Strasbourg
– 2nd place at Royalbarz 2019 in Utrecht
– 2nd place at Beast of the Bars 2019 in Stockholm
– 5th place Austrian Championships 2021 in the men’s category (since there was no women’s category)

Picture: Austrian National Championships 2021, taken by Streetworkout Carinthia

COACHING. In my opinion, calisthenics is one of the most beautiful, modern sports that you can find and I hope that it will amaze you as much as it amazes me. If you are looking for useful tips and tricks for your calisthenics training this page will help you.I also create individual programs with weekly feedback sessions upon request.

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